Ytd had my school anual crosscountry . i'm so fed up with it . almost all th lower secondary girls actually had to rerun again . the reason we have to rerun again is fairly simple . cuz , those npcc and ncc students who were marshals ytd , did not told us whr to run . it's so fucked up , wasting our energy . those who ran finished th marathon cuz teacher was unable to catch up with them , ran extra rounds too . so those who wants to rerun , have to compete th tyming against those who had run finished . it was lyke so chaotic , cuz we have to run with th upper secondary girls . so , all those who chose to run again , all ran lyke mad , including me and netballers .surprisingly , i find th distance 3 km short .well , finished th race , rest awhile , and found out yuxiang passed out due to exaustion . heard frm a band senior that she had asthma attack and leg pain . so went to see th situation . lots of teacher attempted to wake her up , but to no avail . she was hospitalized in th end . and she was discharge on th very same day . then , it's tyme to announce th results , those who get into at least 15 first will get a trophy , in every gender and level .i'm lyke damn kanchiong lo . i only knew i got in th first 15 when fizah's name was called . of cuz , who's not happy . and i came in 5th , AGAIN ! same as last year :D fizah is also same , 6th . guess we should run again next year , and get into th same position again , hahahaha . okay lameass , lols . after th crosscountry ended , me , fizah , syahira , jelyn and emily went to Jurong Point to have our lunch at KFC . after eating , emily went home , and th four of us continue staying in Jurong Point to walk ard . syahira then suggested to go Toys R Us . so damn funny lah ! haha ! we were all playing toys inside . walking while playing , playing while walking , eventually we ended up in th barbiedoll section .lols , syahira is so-ohh happy bout' it okay . in th end , all got her ' love-for-barbiedoll virus ' . and we all each chose a barbiedoll and took pictures of it ! i knw , childish , but , it's been a long tyme since i do this arl ! :D then we walk while playing , and we ended up in th waterbottles section . hahaha , and we all decided to save money and buy th same bottle with different colours . after that , all took MRT and went back to CCK . i went home , as i hafta prepare to go sandra's house for her birthday party . FYI , she's my cousin . so went home , bathe and prepare . together with my brother , we set off to her house . reached there , then went down to th barberque pit and waited for the food . well , lots of things happened when me , alan and my brother are waiting for th food , but too much to tell . haha . FYI again , alan is sandra's younger brother , which makes him my cousin too . lols .after th barberque ended , we went up , play and talk , thn i went to bed first as my mom was bugging me . and woke up next day . just reach home not long ago . super tired ! these are th pictures i took ytd , they are not in order , srry .

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