Monday, December 1, 2008


Rule No.1People who have been asked to do this quiz must answer all the questions on their blog .They can choose to replace any questions that they dislike with another question that they come up with their own .Best not to replace any .Rule No.2Tag 5 friends and ask them to do this quiz .Its compulsary for everyone who are requested to do this by their friends to complete this quiz .Whoever doing this quiz must stated who tagged them to do this quiz . [Tagged by Audrey.]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q1)Do you have secrets ? Who doesn't?

Q2)Would you fall in love with a girl younger than you? No way.

Q3)Do you enjoy going to school ? yeaps.

Q4)What would you do with your first billion dollars? Donate $50 000 to th poor :)

Q5)What is your view towards love? Everyone needs it.

Q6)Which is more blessed ?Love someone or being loved by someone? Both.

Q7)List at least 15 of your favourite songs [not in any order]
2)Love Is Dead.
3)We Are Broken.
7)So What.
10)Live Your Life.
11)Dear God.
12)Misery Business.
14)The Hell Song.
15)Don't Jump.

Q8)What will you do if the person u like is already attached ? Move on.

Q9)What makes you EXTREMELY happy? Something that's not unhappy.

Q10)What makes you angry? Something that's not happy.

Q11)Who is the most important person to you? People I love.

Q12)What is the most important thing in your life now? Everything I've got.

Q13)How would you see yourself in 10 years time ? A lady turning 25 year old in 10 days.

Q14)Are you single/Attatched ? Single.

Q15)Your favourite colors? Red, White, Green, Gold, Brown.

Q16)Would you give all in a relationship? Maybe.

Q17)If you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously,who would you pick ? The one that I love more.

Q18)Would you forgive someone if he/her did something horrible on you? Depends.

Q19)What would you do if nobody cared for you any longer? Idk.

Q20)Last question .List down the 5 ppl you have tagged to do this . Eeraa, Nabila, Jiarui, Hafizah, Dinah.


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