I wonder why.
Exams exams exams. have been stressing this week. staying up late until EARLY in th morning. got super tired. today had mathematics and literature exam. maths is th subject i sucks most at. im sure gonna flunk th paper.whatever. Fizah waited for my literature paper to finish. then we set off to lot one with Nash and Delvina. Sat at library for awhile thn went off. Went out after awhile as Fizah needs to go home. saw a gang of regentnites, mostly my classmates. apparently there are these two guys who calls Fizah, fizahO. hahaha. Go her house, tried shirts, thn cook maggie. Fizah added two prawn inside, how nice :) online for awhile, thn we started to take lots of pictures with webcam, lots of weird pictures. and i realise my eyes have super biggy eyebags, which are not nice. ALL THNKS TO TH EXAMS-.-

it was caused by th fan blowing.

but seems like a i failed to do so.

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