haha , today's a funny day . well , had tuition in th morning . thn reached home at bout' 3pm . thn i went out again to th choa chu kang area to play badminton with siti , yihui , dania , nicole , siti's brother nabil , and yea , i saw my ex classmate , syafiqah , so together , with syafiqah's brother , we play badminton , haha , funny . and syafiqah's brother and nabil , they call each other bapok ! and they actually admitted that they are bapok ? lyke wth ??? haha !!! had fun man . and laughed damn much . but stupid thing is , when i scold them bapok , they look at me , with th kinda 'vicious' looks -.- feisty brothers of them huh . well , syafiqah's brother gave me quite a few caustic comments in malay , and thought i don't knw bout' it . until i asnwered him when he speaks in malay , super duper dumb -.- hahaha . after that i went home . bout tmrw , my class is gng to do some charity for th children society , with 2-4 along . gng to fort canning , hope it's fun ! haha :DDLabels: SMILE:D
today's training tired !
My third post in this blog . well , things were kind of went on smooth today , UNTIL ENGLISH LESSON . ughh , i hate th gay teacher , Faizal .yes i knw , shouldn't be reading comic in his class , but whatever . and he tried to confiscate th book . well , told him it's not mine , thn he was like pulling hard th book . sucker , and lucky he let it off . if not i might just scold th ass off him . he totally sucks . i damn miss Ms sandhia lah . sighs , that's what humans are , only cherish when it's arl lost . after school , i had netball training , and th weather's not on our side . what to do , still hafta train , so we moved up to th hall , as downstairs have limited space , thnks to regent secondary . and we were actually scolded by security guard when we are doing ball passes . it's lyke wtf ? and they either say that they are able to hear it even from th first storey or we might spoil th wooden floor from all those bouncing of balls . we were lyke , what ?! what bout' PE then ? playing in th hall seems normal during PE .and F.Y.I. my primary school have basketball tournaments in hall , wooden floor too . it's totally crap . why has it alwaes with netball ? totally irritated by th security guard , what a bastard . had BeepTest after that . ohh , totally sucks . i can actually feel cold wind blowing hard on me when im running . for some reasons , i did worse then last tyme . maybe it's th cold weather . only did stage 6 lap 1 . sighs . and well , fizah and liya actually enjoy sharing th same guy . weird much , haha . whatever , their business . haha :D and whoa , we gossip damn loads man . with jelyn . lol , shared some untellable stuffs ( dont think there's such word lyke untellable ) . ssshhhh ~ blehs , gotta go :)Labels: SMILE:D
i'm posting bout' ytd stuffs . well , i just get totally unlucky with spaghetti . it seems so weird . that tyme i bought it , a sec one boy actually didn't knw my spaghetti was there , and topple it over . i was lyke , hello ? thn , ytd , IT HAPPENED AGAIN .you knw , again ? a bird pull a lil' of my spaghetti out , i was lyke , eww ?!! what a stupid bird to actually mess with my food . and seriously , im lyke pissed off , second tyme . ugghh , whatever . thn after sch i had trgs until 5 pm , thn went home to have a change into a black shirt , and went out for a friendly match , at dunearn road there . they are liya's outside teammates , i think . anw , they are rough , and i played th third , fourth and fifth quarter . well , seriously , th one who was defending me is such a bitch . forgetting bout th part that she tripped me , cuz' it was an accident , she actually said something lyke this , 'for so long didn't manage to get th ball .' i was lyke , 'hello ? this is none of your business , bitch .' well of cuz' i didn't say it out . if not there might be an arguement or something much gng on other thn a friendly match . and another opponent of mine actually scolded my netball teacher , who happens to be my form teacher too , ms Tho . th opponent actually said , ' hey miss , you're not suppose to empire this area of court .' , when actually she have th right to empire it . well , they are so disrespectful uhh . anw , i thought ms Tho said back 'ohhh' in a sacarstic way . regent lost by 3 points , but well , my teammates did their best , go regent ! lols , haha :D hmmm , reach home at 11++pm , kinda late for school days , i knw . then had a shower thn went to sleep . well , let's talk bout' today , kind of funny , i told my mom that i dont have th feeling of gng to school , probably too tired . in th end , i succeeded in persuading my mom . well , now's th bad part , my friend woke me up , just wanting me to bring them th project , saying it's 50% of th CA marks , what to do , so i went to school cuz' of them , and was super damn late . mr Gabriel actually gave me a chance , well , so i dont hafta give my ez-link card to him , heehee :D in th end , none of my friends or me did anything bout' it ! we only discuss , alamak . sighs , i wonder how am i gonna pass my science . haha , that's all for today :DDLabels: SMILE:D
This event happened two days ago and im only blogging it now . i knw , stupid slow , whatever . haha , friday school ended halfday , all thnks to th cultural night :) F.Y.I: me Syahira and Hafizah bought th ticket only on friday ! damn last minute ! then friends all went home at bout' 10 plus . supposed to meet up friends at 12 pm , well , me and melissa were late for an hour . then mom did for me my hair , it really is lookin' weird ! maybe in a good way i think . after that my classmates and i went to pizza hut to have our dinner . everyone is lyke setting their eyes on me and syahira ! just because we have th same hairstyle , typically , i look lyke her , and she looks lyke me . it's okay if you don't get it . it's just plain hilarious . in th concert , we went insane . me and hafizah were screaming lyke madwomen , and trust me , you won't want to knw how we did it . and all thnks to melissa ! she was th one who communicate with this super sizzling hot filipino guy , JM . you can see that we all are actually so happy that we gotten some photos with him . hah . syahira , hafizah and me were lyke complaining th concert ended so fast , sighs . went to yewtee to chill a lil' , thn went home . surprisingly , mom didn't scold , haha , idk why i mention it here , but well whatever . these are all th photos we took on friday night . that's all :D
Labels: SMILE :D