Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beforer every heaven there's always some hell to play.

Saturday was Syahira's birthday. She invited me and Fizah for dinner at Wisma. But me and Fizah set out earlier instead of meeting her up first. Went to Bugis for awhile thn trained to Orchard. While waiting for train.. we saw Liya and Eefa. Was kindof shock.

Reached Orchard thn walked to Far East Plaza to buy friendship bands. While walking back, Fizah told me,'Yinghong, i think we're lost. Idk whr we're heading to.' And everytime when i go Orchard, i dun really reconise th streets there. It just confuse me, idk why. Got panic a lil' while, thn we saw Wisma. lol.

Ohh ya! When heading to Wisma, there was this guy frm Mediacorp, came asking for our age, height and weight. Thn he say that we were scouted for modelling cuz we have got th looks :D and wd we'll confirm get famous after that and our photos will be put up in million viewed websites-.- End up, we need to give 100 bucks. Of cuz we don't have it at that moment, even if we had 100 bucks, who th fuck will give it to him?!

Riiiiight... and Fizah told me his breath stinks. LOL. So lucky that I wasn't standing right infront of him ._. Sat outside Wisma and wait for Syahira and family to arrive.

Finally they reached and we went to IndoChine. Took photos and ate. Thn there was this local band. They sang really nice. hahaha. Listened to songs for awhile thn bus-ed home. Reached home ard almost 11pm.

Woke up at 6 30am for TRAINING-.- gahhh. Training were exausting as usual. And thn, hell was finally over, for today. Passed bikini to Joey thn went to have lunch with Jiarui, Jielin, Michelle and Olivia. Except that Olivia didn't eat. Bus-ed home after that.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

All th photos frm sports carnival. Won't blog abt tonight's stuff. Too tired. Goodnight.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

Practically, i enjoyed th day, except for some part.

Maths lesson was boring. Wasn't even paying attention, and doodling away.

Thn mother tongue lesson Hong Lau Shi let us watch this chinese ghost movie. Super cool :D i think th name of th movie is 'Silk'. And tmrw she'll cont. to let us watch finish th whole movie.

Had Mr Low's lesson after that. His lessons cont. after recess too. Thn Adli started to play knuckle with me.

With him was okay. After english lesson i played knuckles with Syafiq. He say bet 5 bucks, turned out, i lost. But im not gng to give him though ;p

And my knuckle almost broke :( it hurts even when im typing now.

After school had PTC(parent-teacher conference). Turns out okay, except that i did really badly for my exams. If my mom were to be th one attending, i'll be dead. Really D.E.A.D.

And i have no idea why im so tired eventhough it's only 9 plus -.-

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Extraordinary dreams.


Actually, i dont think people will read my blog. i just update for th sake of keeping it alive and making a record of wd i have done.

And im actually right about having muscle aches. but it was even worser than i have thought. i have whole body full of muscle aches-.- ouch. So ytd had a few lessons. turn out it was better than monday. played basketball with a few of my friends and Ms Tho during P.E. lesson. Ms Lee was being kind to us :D She let us have a free period cuz she says we just finish our P.E. lesson for maths lesson.

Mother tongue Hong Lau Shi played with us some guessing games. then chatted and talked about th ghost movie she's gonna let us watch on thursday and friday.

After school went to Yew Tee with Dinah, Fizah and Syahira. Actually, only me and Fizah wanted to do eyebrow threading. Turns out, Dinah and Syahira did as well. Th aunty must be really happy to earn 20 bucks at one shot, hahaha.

Trained to Lot one after that. Dinah went to her grandmother's house, i think. So left th three of us. went to CCK library then i took a book about 'Extraordinary Houses'. Those house are SUPERB. All of us were like so aunty2 that we keep gasping and chit-chatting excitedly about almost every houses we see in the book. end up, we got told off by one old uncle cuz we were too loud :x

Im able to blog right now cuz i did not attend school today. And tmrw's there PTC. Lucky my dad helped me out, thnks a lot dad! :D

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Extreme ascetic trainings.

Woke up at 6 30 to meet up Fizah. Turns out, im still late-.- dammit! Sat at th usual table we always sit at. surprisingly, th old man who always clap his hand while strolling wasn't there. okay RANDOM!

School was a bore. seriously. our class have to study all the way. sighs. after school, ate noodles. and i shouldn't have ate it. reason: my training was like HELL, and cuz of that i puked a lil'. kindof gross :x i total skipped 1050 times, how great is that-.- 400 left leg, 400 right leg. 250 both legs.

Then we have this netball test. I think im gonna get remedial-.- and it's not theory remedial, but PRACTICAL remedial.

Feel my agony~

After training went out to slack for awhile. and i said something like this ' what's th song of the name?'. Gosh, i think im too tired-.- and im sure tmrw im gonna have severe muscle ache. *huge sighs* gtg now, goodnight earthlings:)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Working with anger.

Let's start off with thursday.

Woke up at 5 20am to prepare for Sports Carnival. It was held at CCAB and we have to reach there by 7 30am. met up friends at CCK interchange at 6 25. hee, sorry was late! boarded bus 67 and slept all th way through~ shiok giler~ hahahaha.

Reached there, after all th shitty briefings we waited for our match. Okay im quite lazy to say wd happened so, there was this prize presentation in th hall. IT WAS SERIOUSLY STUFFY, i really wished to bathe at that time. Finally ended, rushed straight to th toilet. i thought it might be packed with people. turns out most of th people there are netballers.

Bathed and thn we set off to th bustop. Boarded bus 67 to go back Lot One. and i realise something in th bus. guys are such pervs-.- ohh well, people there would knw.

Finally reached Lot One. ate at Food Culture. Thn with Fizah, Iffah and Syahira went to th library to play a fool. Syahira took this candid of Iffah and Iffah went real 'mad'. they had quite a fight and thnks to that, me and Fizah were watching a quite a great show, and taking their candids as well. Some of th photos looked like they were making out, hahaha! and cuz of that, Iffah dragged me on th floor-.- So lucky i suffered no carpet burns. If not.. I'll really kill her.

Friday has nothing much to elaborate abt, since it was quite boring. And will try to upload th photos on thursday ASAP.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

True love is complete trust.

Damn, my results sucks hardcore. sighs. flunked 5, great-.- my lit might pass, if Miss Fern is kind enough to squeeze another two marks out to lemme pass. My art got quite a good result though, 70. for th first time in secondary life, hahaha.

After school, hangout with Hafizah again. Went to th library, thn her house. Did loads of stupid stuff there. thn finally, we sat on th bed like couch potatoes, talking abt life and past. Good times. Finally decide to go home at 6 30pm.


Friday, May 15, 2009

And just when sleep befalls.

Greeeaaaat dayyyyyy.

Woke up this morning and prepare to meet up with Fizah. Was late for 30 minutes, sorry! bus-ed to CCK Stadium.

Saw this guy name Carlo. apparently, he's weird. me and Fizah went to th toilet to tie our hair. when we walked out, both of us saw Carlo looking and quickly ran back to th chair behind th wall(where we can't see).

HE THOUGHT THAT WE DIDN'T SEE, how funny-.- when we walked to where he was, he was acting using handphone. I was trying to hold my laughter, like seriously. HAHAHA.

okay thn we went up, started working out. halfway, there were this two aunties behind us, talking. thn one of th aunty asked,

'are you two twins?'

right... even strangers are saying that. that made us laughed again-.- after all th working out, walked to Lot One for lunch. hang ard for awhile thn bus-ed home. Saw Akim in bus 190. he talks loads of craps. okay he is crappy. lol.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

A moment of despair.

Yesterday had History and Biology papers. History is a confirm fail. but Biology, im not sure. i didn't have th time to finish th damn paper anw. hope i pass. riiight, wdever. after th papers went to Limbang Mac with Aina, Melissa and Wynne to do art. Azy tagged along for fun. So started doing art, but thn... it was so noisy. people playing guitar, laughing and talking loudly like their father's place, and even playing catching -.- Finally those bunch of idiots left. but after abt 15 minutes, there comes another disaster, sighs.

Was still doing art then i realise Melissa kept on laughing. slowly, me and Aina started laughing. Then Azy. Melissa's laughter is really FUNNY and CONTAGIOUS. Had a great time laughing. After awhile, Azy went home. Then at 3 30pm left too. Took bus302 and went to lot1 for awhile. Reached home ard 4+pm.

Bathed and straight away start on art. ART ART ART... sighs, my bed was calling me that time when i was still doing late in th night, or should i say very early in th morning-.- finally 4 45, i went to my lalaland.

woke up at 6 45. dad was supposed to drive me to school, but last minute says, tell her to take cab, i very tired. i was like wth?! i have to get out of house earlier and obviously i rushed. i didn't even tie my hair. my hair looked like i never bathe-.- ughhh. and i go school like that! OHH WTF. right....

Reached class then started panicking. reasons: i did not do my layout, and my 'interpretatiion and observation'. HOW GREAT. Lucky Liya helped me do one, THNKS ALOT LIYA!

exam started and this was th first time i used colour pencils for art exam. my hand almost broke. It's so so damn TIRING. and my joints are like grinding onto each other, which hurt like hell. ughh. AND YES, finally exams ENDED. *huge sigh of relieve* and right now, i really need loads of rest.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I wonder why.

Exams exams exams. have been stressing this week. staying up late until EARLY in th morning. got super tired. today had mathematics and literature exam. maths is th subject i sucks most at. im sure gonna flunk th paper.whatever. Fizah waited for my literature paper to finish. then we set off to lot one with Nash and Delvina. Sat at library for awhile thn went off. Went out after awhile as Fizah needs to go home. saw a gang of regentnites, mostly my classmates. apparently there are these two guys who calls Fizah, fizahO. hahaha. Go her house, tried shirts, thn cook maggie. Fizah added two prawn inside, how nice :) online for awhile, thn we started to take lots of pictures with webcam, lots of weird pictures. and i realise my eyes have super biggy eyebags, which are not nice. ALL THNKS TO TH EXAMS-.-

I knw th hair looked weird,
it was caused by th fan blowing.

Tried to smile like a geek,
but seems like a i failed to do so.

She loves my feet :D