Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Hectic week. Has been feeling lethargic like @#*$!@$!%^%@&*. Eyebags and eyerings forming, hell.
Sigh, bored and tired to death. Exams round th corner, I'm not prepared for it yet. Oh hell. And I've been reeeeaaal forgetful these days. Wonder what's distracting me.
Oh gosh, I keep forgetting to email Alan. Shit, gotta do it ltr. *must rmb* And Iffah randomly ajak me go gym with her tmrw, for some reasons ^^ You knw, I knw, hahaha.
*yawn*, guess I gotta catch some sleep now. Goodnight earthlings :D
Starry, starry night.
Great mood~
Tsk tsk tsk, I'm always too careless. Won't say why, just to play safe.
Hmmm.. Was almost late for school, again. Thn I have been doing 'poing-yo-yo-yo-yo' to Wynne, HAHAHAHA. She has been trying to learn, but nooooo~ she still can't get th hang of it yet.
Thn yada yada blah blah blah, chemistry I learnt something, finally, hehehe. Though most of th time I was copying Syafiq's work, I still try to learn, haha.
Oh ya! Learnt a new thing^^ Taught by Dinah, hahaha. She was like, Yinghong! Look how i hold my file infront of my face without using my hands to hold xD And she used her bra. I tried too, hahahahah. Told Miss Lee about it and she was giving us th wth face, hahaha.
After school, waited for th poeple to go for audition, well thn, Delvina was damn funny. Hush puppies, right..
Waited for too damn long and decide to go back home with Fizah. Boarded bus and reached home ard 5pm.
Some like it long, but most love it thick.
Sooooo damn lazyyy to update, but well, I guess it won't hurt, hahaha.
Wednesday went to library with Jiapo, intend to study... But end up, WE TALK. Sigh, with him, confirm one lah, haha. Thn Jiapo left at 4 30pm while Fizah joined shortly after. Talked here and there with Nabila and Dania, thn me and Fizah set off to Jurong Point first.
Well, reached there and we window shopped :P And we were suppose to go to Banquet to find seats. Finally went to Banquet to find seats. Thn not more than 10 minutes ltr Dania and Nabila joined us.
Both me and Fizah got a lashing frm Nabila, hahahahaha. Finally found a seat. Chitchat ard, bought food, and MAKAN! :D
Walked ard more in Jurong Point after eating. And ohh! Me and Fizah came across this shop before gg to find seats. Lead Dania and Nabila inside. It's full of nice and weird stuff, hahaha. Weird like nipple shield, lolololololol.
Took 172 back. Alighthted at somewhr near my house, and I was lost, for a moment-.- Yes, even in my own neighbourhood, what th hell man. Such bad sense of direction I have. Lucky saw 307, and recognise where I was.
Reached home like 9 plusplus.
Nail issues!
Well, been quite a long time since I updated. Been really lazy to update, heh. Ytd was alright, went to school as usual and like normally, I was almost late :P Yada yada blah blah blah, did art and got results and stuff. Ohh ya, had phototakings. Cool and bluekh, hahaha.
After school had phototaking as well, but it was netball phototaking, not class. And coincidently, both teacher in-charge were absent. So we took without teachers.
Went back home straight as I will be going to Vivo at evening to support Yizhen jiejie for her herworld make over competition or something like that. And of cuz to meet Sandra and Alan as well for th last time before they go back UK! :D
Prepared and went out. Reached there, but they were late. Waited for abt 30 minutes. Thn they reached. My aunt came too.
Went to TANGS and stood there and looked ard. Saw alot of mediacorps artiste. Thn me and Sandra went to get cocktail. When Alan joined us after meeting his friend, he went with me to get some. But end up couldn't cuz th guy realised he's underage. Weird, and I looked and am younger than him, hah. Okay not th point. Moving on..
Finally th whole thing finished at abt 9pm. Though Yizhen jiejie didn't win, but still, good job :) My aunt went shopping for awhile and Sandra, Alan and me waited inside Topshop for her as we need money to pay for Alan's scarf.
Went to eat at 9 plus, like finally~ Didn't ate for th entire day. Fasted with friends, fuhh. Ate arl and shopped somemore cuz my aunt says it's just awhile more. Thn trained hme. By th time I reached home, it was like almost 12. Lucky was able to catch th last few bus! If not i'll have to walked home. Phew~
Photos frm last friday and monday! :